Ancient Alien Petroglyph Engraved In Rock Discovered On Mars by Curiosity Rover

Petroglyphs are usually incredible findings as they showcase a part of history that the ancient civilization that carved them in the first place considered to be very valuable to them as a whole.

These carvings are usually placed on rocks as they are incised, picked, and abraded onto the rocky surface, meant to offer a rock engraving that would portray their culture, religious beliefs, myths, or more.

The reason as to why they are so important is because they’re usually very old and they showcase what they wanted to tell their own descendants about the ancient times.

So, you can imagine right off the bat how excited everyone was when NASA released the following ancient petroglyph that was photographed on Mars of all places.

This petroglyph is said to bring us new valuable information regarding the Martian people as it clearly showcases the fact that we had a connection in the past with them.

The Mars Curiosity Rover shows us that besides the ancient undecipherable text you can clearly see a couple of humanoid creatures being portrayed here.

What’s even stranger about this is that these same carvings have been spotted all around our planet which definitely suggests the connection we mentioned before.

For the most part, these archetypal symbols clearly showcase the fact that the ancient Martians existed but until we can actually decipher the text we can’t say for sure what their meaning was at the end of the day.

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