Mars Rover Found Evidence Of a Secret Military Presence on Mars?

Recent images that were leaked by someone working for NASA showcase the fact that the Curiosity, Opportunity, and Spirit Rovers all spotted what appears to be a military presence on Mars.

As you can see from the official images that NASA released, there appear to be tanks and other such military equipment running amok on Mars as we speak.

According to Randy Cramer, also known as Captain Kaye, this is all part of a secret military project established on Mars known as the Mars Defense Force.

This private program was established by US president Dwight Eisenhower in 1953 as he got a whole section of the military to Mars where they effectively fought off aliens such as Draco Reptilians and Mantids.

As an official US Marine Special Section soldier, Randy stated that throughout his career he effectively worked towards fighting off the aliens while also protecting the secret gene-pool on Mars. This is known as the Breakaway civilization.

Effectively, they are humans with perfected genes, the superior race if you will, and according to the Breakaway plan, also known as Alternative 3, they intend to fully take us all out and replace us with these superior humans.

Captain Randy Cramer spoke against this recently and he even ended up being supported by the great-granddaughter of former President Dwight David Eisenhower, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower herself.

Is any of this true? Apparently, it is as more and more people are coming out to support Randy Cramer.

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