This Interesting Video Shows A Strange Creature Right Next To The Utah Monolith

Not only is 2020 the year of the pandemic, but also the year of the Monolith. In certain areas of the planet, the mass media broadly reports the abrupt manifestations and disappearances of enigmatic systems.

It all started on November 23, when in the middle of the desert, the Utah Department of Public Safety, USA, reported having discovered a metal frame nearly 4 meters high.

All manner of ideas soon arose as to who or what may have put the monolith in that position and for what reason. The entity vanished, however as soon as those doubts emerged, bringing more intrigue to the finding.

And with the outrage created internationally, it was to be expected that the result would be debunked or merely “explained” to appease the people. And so it has been since, evidently, naturalization couples, more precisely Sylvan Christensen and Andy Lewis, who declared that they were responsible for removing it were allegedly removed.

Christensen explained why the structure was dismantled, stating that the announcement of the existence of the unusual item prompted crowds of onlookers to flock to the venue, which is not equipped to receive a large number of visitors.

As such, to discourage deterioration of the otherwise untouched natural environment, they decided to destroy the monolith. This version of events, however, does not justify the unusual manifestations of monoliths in other parts of the world, much less the recordings that have been released on social networks, which have caused considerable dismay.

The Monster On the Utah Monolith

Since a video shared on social media shows a haunting monster, the situation around the monolith in Utah has become much more enigmatic. Serg.boy, a TikTok customer, was excited to see the mysterious monolith for himself but was saddened to learn that it was no longer there, that it had vanished entirely. Just a few rocks and a metal triangle have been found near it.

Users, however were shocked to observe a mysterious figure behind one of the young women after watching the pictures. The beast appears to appear from a gap in the rocks behind it, as you can see, and there is also a moment where the shape of a mask can be seen. But what is most striking is that they are not aware of their existence by any of those present.

So users immediately referred to the alarming figure’s appearance. Among the hypotheses raised were those of a ghost, a giant bat, or an extraterrestrial being. Some also said it was confirmation that the Utah legends of demons and monsters are real. More precisely, they alluded to the Skin Walkers, who are dangerous witches that can dress themselves as animals for Navajo folklore.

Becoming a Skin Walker, according to tradition, involves an evil deed, such as the murder of a close relative. It is then when they have gained tremendous magical power, including the ability to change into animals and other people, that they literally convert into humans. But the most cynical thought it was clearly a hoax, a human in costume, maybe.

More Questions Unanswered

Truth be told, it can be anything from a giant bat, an insect, or a masked human. Although what is evident is that the strange appearances of monoliths around the world bring more intrigue to this experience. Another California monolith, apart from that of Utah and Romania, has also been discovered. On December 2, at the top of Santa Lucia Peak, located in San Luis Obispo County, USA, Ronelle Volk, a resident of Paso Robles, said he came across an odd metal frame.

This monolith weighs hundreds of kilos, according to local officials, and is not connected to the land, but he acknowledges that he does not know how it came to such a remote location.

But make no mistake, this phenomenon is not new. On the 1,738-meter-high Grünten Mountain southwest of Munich, Germany, monoliths of a different type have been appearing, fading, and reappearing for around five years. It soon became a local icon that hikers and visitors visited a lot.

We are definitely facing a problem that has been going on for years but is only attracting attention from the mainstream. “Official explanations” about what transpired were also supposed to surface, debunking the hypothesis of their extraterrestrial relation and stopping individuals from making their own conclusions.

What are your thoughts about the video? Is it a giant insect, an ape, a demon, or a masked person?

Source: Infinity Explorers

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